Intelligent Sensing & Nondestructive Evaluation Laboratory
Intelligent Sensing & Nondestructive Evaluation (ISNDE) Lab was founded by Professor Kyung-Young JHANG in 1992 for the purpose of training expert resources and developing the core technology in the active safety.
“The active safety” is the technology that we can predict the possibilities of the damage or the breakdown in a variety of fields which include the mobile industry for avoiding car accidents beforehand, the bio industry for diagnosing organic tissues such as cancers and the plant industry for checking the defects.
This lab has actively studied for industrial measurements and nondestructive evaluation so far and is recently focusing on developing the technologies of the nondestructive evaluation and the accurate measurement based on Ultrasonics, Laser-ultrasonics and optics.
Especially, this lab has contributed developing and spreading the nonlinear ultrasonic and laser-ultrasonic technologies for the first time in Korea. Those activities led this lab to have the world-class know-how in this field.
Research Fields
Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation
▶ Evaluation and visualization of micro-defect using characteristics of ultrasonic nonlinearity
(Nuclear power plant structure and so on)
▶ Early detection technology of deteriorated or damaged materials using characteristics
of ultrasonic nonlinearity (Fatigue damage, aging deterioration and so on)
▶ Estimation of structural safety and structural health monitoring
Laser-Material Interaction
▶ Technology for generating ultrasonic waves
▶ Non-destructive and non-contact evaluation technology
▶ Evaluation of material damage using laser
Optical Measurement
▶ Precise measurement using laser optical system
▶ Machine vision and application technology
(Automating evaluation, defect detection and so on)
Advanced intelligent vehicle safety
▶ Automotive sensory system
▶ Precise and high-speed measurement of the distance between cars and the relative velocity
(Avoiding and warning collision)
▶ Traffic sign and lane recognition system of using image processing
▶ automatic recognition of driving conditions for realization of an intelligent unmanned vehicle
Information about applying to Graduate school in ISNDE Lab.
Hanyang University - Department of Mechanical Convergence Engineering (Graduate School)
▶ visit the information site ( )
What's doing in ISNDE : Research and Development of New Active Safety Technology
▶ Active safety is technology to prevent accidents by early detecting possibilities
before damage or breakdown occurs. The technical details are as below:
1. Diagnosis of safety or defects of industrial structures (Nondestructive Evaluation)
2. Real time monitoring structural safety of plants such as Nuclear power plant and so on
3. Avoid technology to vehicle accidents previously (Active safety vehicle)
4. Diagnosis of abnormal tissues such as cancer cells in human bodies and so on (Medical Diagnosis)
5. Estimation of life expectancy and analysis of breakdown of machines and electronic devices (Reliability)
6. Evaluation and prediction about damages of productions for defense industry (Survivability)
Benefits on a scholarship
▶ ISNDE Lab. has been conducting specialized research of survivability techology, development project
of nuclear technology and so on. Scholarship benefit more than full tuition is being offered for
all researchers.
Career after graduation
▶ ISNDE Lab. has turned out eight Ph.D students and seventy M.D Students. Alumni are working
at federal laboratories and conglomerates such as KINS(Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety),
Samsung Electronics, Samsung Electro-mechanics,Hyundai KIA Motors,KEPRI(Korea Electric
Power Research Institute) and so on. It is expected that the number of students entering
electricity industry will be increased due to the increasing demands of nuclear power plant
Extracurricular activities
▶ Attending international academic conference
If you have any questions or concerns, please drop by or contact ISNDE
▶ Tel. 02-2220-4220, Fax. 02-2299-720
▶ ISNDE Lab., 203-2,Engineering Center Annex, Hanyang University, Seoul, Republic of Korea