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비파괴검사학회지 제34권 제4호, 2014.8, 277-282 (6 pages)

금속 재료의 잠닉손상 평가를 위한 비선형 전자기음향공진 기법에 관한 연구

Study on the Nonlinear Electromagnetic Acoustic Resonance Method for the Evaluation of Hidden Damage in a Metallic Material
조승완, 조승현, 박춘수, 서대철, 장경영
한국어 초록
최근 전통적 초음파기법이 탐상할 수 없는 잠닉손상을 평가할 수 있는 잠재적 기술로서 비선형 초음파기법들에 대한 많은 관심이 있다. 비선형 초음파기법중 하나인 공진주파수 변화를 이용하는 기법은 재료의 탄성영역에서의 이력에 근거한 기술이다. 공진주파수의 변화량이 아주 작기 때문에 정교한 공진주파수 측정장치가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 비선형 전자기음향공진기법을 적용하였다. 비선형 전자기음향공진기법은 비접촉 EMAT 센서를 사용하기 때문에 재료의 주파수 응답에 영향을 최소화할 수 있다. 3점 굽힘 피로시험을 한 알루미늄판 시편에 횡파 EMAT으로 실험을 실시하였다. 전압을 여러 레벨로 인가하며 공진을 발생시켜 잠닉손상측정에 중요한 요인중 하나인 이력 비선형 파라미터 ⍺를 공진주파수 변화로부터 산출하였다. 비손상시편과 손상시편에서의 측정된 이력 비선형 인자의 값이 서로 차이가 남을 확인하였다.
영어 초록
Recently, much attention has been paid to nonlinear ultrasonic technology as a potential tool to assess hidden damages that cannot be detected by conventional ultrasonic testing. One nonlinear ultrasonic technique is measurement of the resonance frequency shift, which is based on the hysteresis of the material elasticity. Sophisticated measurement of resonance frequency is required, because the change in resonance frequency is usually quite small. In this investigation, the nonlinear electromagnetic acoustic resonance (NEMAR) method was employed. The NEMAR method uses noncontact electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) in order to minimize the effect of the transducer on the frequency response of the object. Aluminum plate specimens that underwent three point bending fatigue were tested with a shear wave EMAT. The hysteretic nonlinear parameter ⍺, a key indicator of damage, was calculated from the resonance frequency shift at several levels of input voltage. The hysteretic nonlinear parameter of a damaged sample was compared to that of an intact one, showing a difference in the values.

분류 제목 조회 수
Award IJPEM-GT Most Cited Article Award(박성현)   112
International Compensation of system nonlinearity in the measurement of acoustic nonlinearity parameters   161
International Full-range stress–strain curve estimation of aluminum alloys using machine learning-aided ultrasound   459
International Nondestructive Inspection of Directed Energy Deposited Components Using Scanning Acoustic Microscopy with Metalworking Fluids   374
International Nondestructive Inspection of Cylindrical Components Repaired Via Directed Energy Deposition Using Scanning Acoustic Microscopy with Metal Lubricants   1476
International Plastic properties estimation of aluminum alloys using machine learning of ultrasonic and eddy current data   451
International Calibration method using a narrowband signal for measurement of the acoustic nonlinearity parameter   268
Award 2022.11 한국비파괴검사학회 2022 추계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (유지웅, 송동기, 장경영)   702
Award 2021.12 한국비파괴검사학회 2021 추계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (한희진, 장경영)   592
Award 2021.12 한국비파괴검사학회 2021 추계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (방성준, 송동기, 장경영)   557
International Comparisons of second- and third-order ultrasonic nonlinearity parameters measured using through-transmission and pulse-echo methods   2683
Award IJPEM-GT 저널지 편집장 우수논문 선정 (박성현)   948
Award 2022 산업과학연구소 우수논문상 (박성현)  fileimage 926
International In-situ and Layer-by-layer Grain Size Estimation of Additively Manufactured Metal Components using Femtosecond Laser Ultrasonic Technique (Submitted)   1275
International Microstructural Characterization of Additively Manufactured Metal Components Using Linear and Nonlinear Ultrasonic Techniques   1456
International Tensile properties evaluation of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V/yttria-stabilized zirconia composite using absolute nonlinear-ultrasonic technique (Submitted)   12789
International Generation and Measurement of Gigahertz Ultrasonic Waves in Additively Manufactured Thin Metal Components using Femtosecond Laser and Application to In-situ Grain size Monitoring (Submitted)   26731
Domestic Porosity evaluation of additive manufactured parts: ultrasonic testing and eddy current testing   125866
International Nondestructive evaluation of micro-oxide inclusions in additively manufactured metal parts using nonlinear ultrasonic technique   20471
International Mechanical properties estimation of additively manufactured metal components using femtosecond laser ultrasonics and laser polishing   29728
International Experimental Verification of Contact Acoustic Nonlinearity at Rough Contact Interfaces   50773
International Compensation of a Second Harmonic Wave Included in an Incident Ultrasonic Wave for the Precise Measurement of the Acoustic Nonlinearity Parameter   46801
International Measurement of Absolute Acoustic Nonlinearity Parameter Using Laser-Ultrasonic Detection   44229
International Rapid Molecular Diagnostic Sensor Based on Ball-Lensed Optical Fibers   37015
International Porosity Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Components Using Deep Learning‑based Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing (Editor's pick)   12388
International Deep Learning-Based Ultrasonic Testing to Evaluate the Porosity of Additively Manufactured Parts with Rough Surfaces   22270
International Analysis of the influence of surface roughness on measurement of ultrasonic nonlinearity parameter using contact-type transducer   515549
International Indirect Method for Measuring Absolute Acoustic Nonlinearity Parameter Using Surface Acoustic Waves with a Fully Non-Contact Laser-Ultrasonic Technique   32040
International Evaluation of yield strength by ultrasonic reconstruction of quadratic nonlinear Stress-Strain curve   67136
International Ultrasonic nonlinearity parameter in uniaxial stress condition   44089
International Applicability of nonlinear ultrasonic technique to evaluation of thermally aged CF8M cast stainless steel   7325
Award 2021.07 한국비파괴검사학회 2021 춘계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (유지웅, 송동기, 장경영)  fileimage 2358
Award 2021.07 한국비파괴검사학회 2021 춘계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (송동기, 장경영)  fileimage 818
Award 2020.06 한국비파괴검사학회 비파괴검사학회지 우수논문상 / 2020.07 한국과학기술단체총연합회 과학기술우수논문상 (최성호,김상민,장경영)  fileimage 10955
Award 2019.11 한국비파괴검사학회 2019 추계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (박성현, 홍정연, 최성호, 장경영)   19670
Award 2019.07 한국비파괴검사학회 2019 춘계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (송동기, 류주영, 홍정연, 최성호, 장경영)   20856
Award 2019.07 한국비파괴검사학회 2019 춘계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (박성현, 심명종, 최성호, 장경영)   23226
International Nondestructive Evaluation of Thermal Aging in Al6061 Alloy by measuring Acoustic Nonlinearity of Laser-generated Surface Acoustic Waves   66701
International Stress estimation using the acoustoelastic effect of surface waves in weak anisotropic materials   86424
International Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Ultrasonic Parameters in Characterizing Grain Size and Mechanical Properties of 304L Stainless Steel   31194
Domestic Imaging and Sizing of Surface Defects Using Synthetic Aperture Focusing of Laser-generated Surface Waves   35317
Award 2018 산업통상자원부장관 위촉장  fileimage 29543
Award 2018.11 비파괴학회 우수포스터상 (이영진,박기태,김종범,김창수,장경영)   32539
Award 2018.11 비파괴학회 우수논문발표상 (김창수,김종범,송동기,장경영)   87407
International Internal defect detection using laser-generated longitudinal waves in ablation regime   109359
International Synthetic aperture imaging of contact acoustic nonlinearity to visualize the closing interfaces using tone-burst ultrasonic waves   88627
Domestic Variation of Acoustoelastic Effect in Al6061-T6 according to Heat Treatment Time   62714
International Dependence of Nonlinear Ultrasonic Characteristic on Second-Phase Precipitation in Heat-Treated Al 6061-T6 alloy   74974
International Relative Measurement of the Acoustic Nonlinearity Parameter using Laser Detection of an Ultrasonic Wave  fileimage 100634
International A Method to Estimate the Absolute Ultrasonic Nonlinearity Parameter from Relative Measurements  fileimage 87114
International Finite element analysis of a low-velocity impact test for glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene composites considering mixed-mode interlaminar fracture toughness  fileimage 100050
Award 2017년 비파괴검사학회지 우수논문발표상 (하홍필, 김종범, 장경영)  fileimage 50269
Award 2017 글로벌박사 펠로우십 (Global Ph.D. Fellowship) 1건 선정 - 전지현 (박사과정)  image 62102
Award 2017 글로벌박사 펠로우십 (Global Ph.D. Fellowship) 1건 선정 - 서호건 (박사과정)  image 64853
Award 2016년 비파괴검사학회지 우수논문발표상 (박성현, 김종범, 이주호, 장경영)  fileimage 65943
International Assessment of Thermal Degradation by Cumulative Variation of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Parameter   209425
International Assessment of Thermal Aging of Aluminum Alloys by Acoustic Nonlinearity Measurement of Surface Acoustic Waves   124612
International Absolute Measurement and Relative Measurement of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Parameter   304328
International Experimental Comparison of Nonlinear Parameters Obtained from Absolute Measurement and Relative Measurement   169522
International Comparison of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Parameters Measured by PZT and LiNbO3 Transducers   140995
Award KSME-SEMES 오픈 이노베이션 챌린지 동상 수상 - 윤성희  fileimage 69720
Award 2016 글로벌박사 펠로우십 (Global Ph.D. Fellowship) 1건 선정 - 전지현 (석박사통합과정)  fileimage 67238
Award 2016 글로벌박사 펠로우십 (Global Ph.D. Fellowship) 1건 선정 - 서호건 (박사과정)  image 65270
Award JMST - JMST Contribution Award  fileimage 66389
International Nanotribological and wetting performance of hierarchical patterns   124051
Award 2015 산업부장관 표창  fileimage 67738
International Demonstration of Disturbance Propagation and Amplification in Car-Following Situation for Enhancement of Vehicle Platoon System   148866
International Relative Measurement of Acoustic Nonlinear Parameters and Comparison of Sensitivity to Thermal Aging   117979
International Non-contact Measurement of Elastic Modulus by using Laser Ultrasonic   234453
International Relationship between Second- and Third-order Acoustic Nonlinear Parameters in Relative Measurement  image 139800
International Non-Contact Evaluation of Acoustic Nonlinearity of a Laser-Generated Surface Wave in a Plastically Deformed Aluminum Alloy  image 160970
International Influence of repetitive pulsed laser irradiation on the surface characteristics of an aluminum alloy in the melting regime   285309
International Real-time detection of surface cracks on silicon wafers during laser beam irradiation   251587
Domestic High power CW laser-induced damage of CMOS image sensor   97974
Domestic Measurement of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Parameter by Using Non-Contact Ultrasonic Receiver   97018
Domestic Study on the Nonlinear Electromagnetic Acoustic Resonance Method for the Evaluation of Hidden Damage in a Metallic Material   96014
International Influence of laser beam profiles on the frequency bandwidth of laser-generated surface acoustic waves   122471
International Laser ultrasonic inspection in ablation regime   133062
International Improvement of Crack Sizing Performance by using Nonlinear Ultrasonic Technique   104796
Award 대한기계학회 - 우수 학생 논문상  fileimage 66852
Award 비파괴검사학회지 - 우수논문상  fileimage 67986
Award 한국도로공사 교통데이터 공모전 - 대한교통학회 회장상 수상 (김진수)  fileimage 114627
International In-Line Ultrasonic Monitoring for Sediments Stuck on Inner Wall of a Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe   130380
International In situ detection of laser-induced slip initiation on the silicon wafer surface   104571
International Initiation time of near-infrared laser-induced slip on the surface of silicon wafers  image 113802
Domestic Evaluation of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Characteristics in Artificially Aged Al6061-T6   122116
Domestic Simulations for Internal Defect Inspection using Laser Generated Ultrasonic Wave in Ablation Regime   128729
International Slip damage of silicon wafers subjected to continuous infrared laser irradiation  image 105712
International Thermal damages on the surface of a silicon wafer induced by a near-infrared laser   641916
Domestic Feasibility of MFC (Macro-Fiber Composite) Transducers for Guided Wave Technique   225650
Domestic Initial Second Harmonic Generation in Narrowband Surface Waves by Multi-Line Laser Beams for Two Kinds of Spatial Energy Profile Models   125940
Domestic Evaluation of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Characteristics in Heat-Treated Aluminum Alloy   118880
Domestic A6061 합금의 석출경화 열처리에 따른 탄성파의 음향 특성 연구   124698
Award 비파괴검사학회지 - 우수 논문상  fileimage 71734
Award 한국ITS학회 - 우수논문상  fileimage 77935
International Crack Detection in Single-Crystalline Silicon Wafer Using Laser Generated Lamb Wave   140153
International Evaluation of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Characteristics in Heat-Treated Aluminum Alloy (Al-Mg-Si-Cu)   192075
International Application of Macrofiber Composite for Smart Transducer of Lamb Wave Inspection   106428
Domestic Thermal Damage Characterization of Silicon Wafer Subjected to CW Laser Beam   104593
International Imaging of contact acoustic nonlinearity using synthetic aperture technique   122077
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