Award |
IJPEM-GT Most Cited Article Award(박성현)
114 |
International |
Compensation of system nonlinearity in the measurement of acoustic nonlinearity parameters
164 |
International |
Full-range stress–strain curve estimation of aluminum alloys using machine learning-aided ultrasound
461 |
International |
Nondestructive Inspection of Directed Energy Deposited Components Using Scanning Acoustic Microscopy with Metalworking Fluids
376 |
International |
Nondestructive Inspection of Cylindrical Components Repaired Via Directed Energy Deposition Using Scanning Acoustic Microscopy with Metal Lubricants
1480 |
International |
Plastic properties estimation of aluminum alloys using machine learning of ultrasonic and eddy current data
451 |
International |
Calibration method using a narrowband signal for measurement of the acoustic nonlinearity parameter
268 |
Award |
2022.11 한국비파괴검사학회 2022 추계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (유지웅, 송동기, 장경영)
702 |
Award |
2021.12 한국비파괴검사학회 2021 추계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (한희진, 장경영)
592 |
Award |
2021.12 한국비파괴검사학회 2021 추계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (방성준, 송동기, 장경영)
557 |
International |
Comparisons of second- and third-order ultrasonic nonlinearity parameters measured using through-transmission and pulse-echo methods
2683 |
Award |
IJPEM-GT 저널지 편집장 우수논문 선정 (박성현)
948 |
Award |
2022 산업과학연구소 우수논문상 (박성현)
926 |
International |
In-situ and Layer-by-layer Grain Size Estimation of Additively Manufactured Metal Components using Femtosecond Laser Ultrasonic Technique (Submitted)
1275 |
International |
Microstructural Characterization of Additively Manufactured Metal Components Using Linear and Nonlinear Ultrasonic Techniques
1457 |
International |
Tensile properties evaluation of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V/yttria-stabilized zirconia composite using absolute nonlinear-ultrasonic technique (Submitted)
12790 |
International |
Generation and Measurement of Gigahertz Ultrasonic Waves in Additively Manufactured Thin Metal Components using Femtosecond Laser and Application to In-situ Grain size Monitoring (Submitted)
26732 |
Domestic |
Porosity evaluation of additive manufactured parts: ultrasonic testing and eddy current testing
125866 |
International |
Nondestructive evaluation of micro-oxide inclusions in additively manufactured metal parts using nonlinear ultrasonic technique
20471 |
International |
Mechanical properties estimation of additively manufactured metal components using femtosecond laser ultrasonics and laser polishing
29729 |
International |
Experimental Verification of Contact Acoustic Nonlinearity at Rough Contact Interfaces
50774 |
International |
Compensation of a Second Harmonic Wave Included in an Incident Ultrasonic Wave for the Precise Measurement of the Acoustic Nonlinearity Parameter
46802 |
International |
Measurement of Absolute Acoustic Nonlinearity Parameter Using Laser-Ultrasonic Detection
44231 |
International |
Rapid Molecular Diagnostic Sensor Based on Ball-Lensed Optical Fibers
37015 |
International |
Porosity Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Components Using Deep Learning‑based Ultrasonic Nondestructive Testing (Editor's pick)
12388 |
International |
Deep Learning-Based Ultrasonic Testing to Evaluate the Porosity of Additively Manufactured Parts with Rough Surfaces
22270 |
International |
Analysis of the influence of surface roughness on measurement of ultrasonic nonlinearity parameter using contact-type transducer
515553 |
International |
Indirect Method for Measuring Absolute Acoustic Nonlinearity Parameter Using Surface Acoustic Waves with a Fully Non-Contact Laser-Ultrasonic Technique
32040 |
International |
Evaluation of yield strength by ultrasonic reconstruction of quadratic nonlinear Stress-Strain curve
67137 |
International |
Ultrasonic nonlinearity parameter in uniaxial stress condition
44089 |
International |
Applicability of nonlinear ultrasonic technique to evaluation of thermally aged CF8M cast stainless steel
7325 |
Award |
2021.07 한국비파괴검사학회 2021 춘계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (유지웅, 송동기, 장경영)
2358 |
Award |
2021.07 한국비파괴검사학회 2021 춘계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (송동기, 장경영)
818 |
Award |
2020.06 한국비파괴검사학회 비파괴검사학회지 우수논문상 / 2020.07 한국과학기술단체총연합회 과학기술우수논문상 (최성호,김상민,장경영)
10956 |
Award |
2019.11 한국비파괴검사학회 2019 추계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (박성현, 홍정연, 최성호, 장경영)
19671 |
Award |
2019.07 한국비파괴검사학회 2019 춘계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (송동기, 류주영, 홍정연, 최성호, 장경영)
20856 |
Award |
2019.07 한국비파괴검사학회 2019 춘계학술대회 우수논문발표상 (박성현, 심명종, 최성호, 장경영)
23226 |
International |
Nondestructive Evaluation of Thermal Aging in Al6061 Alloy by measuring Acoustic Nonlinearity of Laser-generated Surface Acoustic Waves
66701 |
International |
Stress estimation using the acoustoelastic effect of surface waves in weak anisotropic materials
86425 |
International |
Comparison of Linear and Nonlinear Ultrasonic Parameters in Characterizing Grain Size and Mechanical Properties of 304L Stainless Steel
31195 |
Domestic |
Imaging and Sizing of Surface Defects Using Synthetic Aperture Focusing of Laser-generated Surface Waves
35317 |
Award |
2018 산업통상자원부장관 위촉장
29543 |
Award |
2018.11 비파괴학회 우수포스터상 (이영진,박기태,김종범,김창수,장경영)
32541 |
Award |
2018.11 비파괴학회 우수논문발표상 (김창수,김종범,송동기,장경영)
87411 |
International |
Internal defect detection using laser-generated longitudinal waves in ablation regime
109362 |
International |
Synthetic aperture imaging of contact acoustic nonlinearity to visualize the closing interfaces using tone-burst ultrasonic waves
88630 |
Domestic |
Variation of Acoustoelastic Effect in Al6061-T6 according to Heat Treatment Time
62717 |
International |
Dependence of Nonlinear Ultrasonic Characteristic on Second-Phase Precipitation in Heat-Treated Al 6061-T6 alloy
74976 |
International |
Relative Measurement of the Acoustic Nonlinearity Parameter using Laser Detection of an Ultrasonic Wave
100636 |
International |
A Method to Estimate the Absolute Ultrasonic Nonlinearity Parameter from Relative Measurements
87116 |
International |
Finite element analysis of a low-velocity impact test for glass fiber-reinforced polypropylene composites considering mixed-mode interlaminar fracture toughness
100053 |
Award |
2017년 비파괴검사학회지 우수논문발표상 (하홍필, 김종범, 장경영)
50271 |
Award |
2017 글로벌박사 펠로우십 (Global Ph.D. Fellowship) 1건 선정 - 전지현 (박사과정)
62105 |
Award |
2017 글로벌박사 펠로우십 (Global Ph.D. Fellowship) 1건 선정 - 서호건 (박사과정)
64855 |
Award |
2016년 비파괴검사학회지 우수논문발표상 (박성현, 김종범, 이주호, 장경영)
65945 |
International |
Assessment of Thermal Degradation by Cumulative Variation of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Parameter
209429 |
International |
Assessment of Thermal Aging of Aluminum Alloys by Acoustic Nonlinearity Measurement of Surface Acoustic Waves
124615 |
International |
Absolute Measurement and Relative Measurement of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Parameter
304330 |
International |
Experimental Comparison of Nonlinear Parameters Obtained from Absolute Measurement and Relative Measurement
169524 |
International |
Comparison of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Parameters Measured by PZT and LiNbO3 Transducers
140997 |
Award |
KSME-SEMES 오픈 이노베이션 챌린지 동상 수상 - 윤성희
69722 |
Award |
2016 글로벌박사 펠로우십 (Global Ph.D. Fellowship) 1건 선정 - 전지현 (석박사통합과정)
67240 |
Award |
2016 글로벌박사 펠로우십 (Global Ph.D. Fellowship) 1건 선정 - 서호건 (박사과정)
65272 |
Award |
JMST - JMST Contribution Award
66392 |
International |
Nanotribological and wetting performance of hierarchical patterns
124054 |
Award |
2015 산업부장관 표창
67740 |
International |
Demonstration of Disturbance Propagation and Amplification in Car-Following Situation for Enhancement of Vehicle Platoon System
148869 |
International |
Relative Measurement of Acoustic Nonlinear Parameters and Comparison of Sensitivity to Thermal Aging
117983 |
International |
Non-contact Measurement of Elastic Modulus by using Laser Ultrasonic
234463 |
International |
Relationship between Second- and Third-order Acoustic Nonlinear Parameters in Relative Measurement
139803 |
International |
Non-Contact Evaluation of Acoustic Nonlinearity of a Laser-Generated Surface Wave in a Plastically Deformed Aluminum Alloy
160973 |
International |
Influence of repetitive pulsed laser irradiation on the surface characteristics of an aluminum alloy in the melting regime
285313 |
International |
Real-time detection of surface cracks on silicon wafers during laser beam irradiation
251590 |
Domestic |
High power CW laser-induced damage of CMOS image sensor
97976 |
Domestic |
Measurement of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Parameter by Using Non-Contact Ultrasonic Receiver
97020 |
Domestic |
Study on the Nonlinear Electromagnetic Acoustic Resonance Method for the Evaluation of Hidden Damage in a Metallic Material
96017 |
International |
Influence of laser beam profiles on the frequency bandwidth of laser-generated surface acoustic waves
122473 |
International |
Laser ultrasonic inspection in ablation regime
133065 |
International |
Improvement of Crack Sizing Performance by using Nonlinear Ultrasonic Technique
104798 |
Award |
대한기계학회 - 우수 학생 논문상
66854 |
Award |
비파괴검사학회지 - 우수논문상
67988 |
Award |
한국도로공사 교통데이터 공모전 - 대한교통학회 회장상 수상 (김진수)
114629 |
International |
In-Line Ultrasonic Monitoring for Sediments Stuck on Inner Wall of a Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe
130387 |
International |
In situ detection of laser-induced slip initiation on the silicon wafer surface
104574 |
International |
Initiation time of near-infrared laser-induced slip on the surface of silicon wafers
113804 |
Domestic |
Evaluation of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Characteristics in Artificially Aged Al6061-T6
122118 |
Domestic |
Simulations for Internal Defect Inspection using Laser Generated Ultrasonic Wave in Ablation Regime
128731 |
International |
Slip damage of silicon wafers subjected to continuous infrared laser irradiation
105714 |
International |
Thermal damages on the surface of a silicon wafer induced by a near-infrared laser
641923 |
Domestic |
Feasibility of MFC (Macro-Fiber Composite) Transducers for Guided Wave Technique
225654 |
Domestic |
Initial Second Harmonic Generation in Narrowband Surface Waves by Multi-Line Laser Beams for Two Kinds of Spatial Energy Profile Models
125942 |
Domestic |
Evaluation of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Characteristics in Heat-Treated Aluminum Alloy
118882 |
Domestic |
A6061 합금의 석출경화 열처리에 따른 탄성파의 음향 특성 연구
124700 |
Award |
비파괴검사학회지 - 우수 논문상
71736 |
Award |
한국ITS학회 - 우수논문상
77937 |
International |
Crack Detection in Single-Crystalline Silicon Wafer Using Laser Generated Lamb Wave
140156 |
International |
Evaluation of Ultrasonic Nonlinear Characteristics in Heat-Treated Aluminum Alloy (Al-Mg-Si-Cu)
192077 |
International |
Application of Macrofiber Composite for Smart Transducer of Lamb Wave Inspection
106430 |
Domestic |
Thermal Damage Characterization of Silicon Wafer Subjected to CW Laser Beam
104595 |
International |
Imaging of contact acoustic nonlinearity using synthetic aperture technique
122080 |